PROGRAM SCHEDULE: July 6-30, Mondays- Wednesdays, 10AM-1PM and 10AM-2:00PM on Thursdays

    Students will alternate weeks between ZOOM and in person teaching, with the option to opt out of in person teaching. Students will be assigned a set group that will not change for the whole of the program.

    LOCATION: Classes will take place at CounterPulse (80 Turk Street, San Francisco) and on ZOOM.

    IMPORTANT: Please review and sign on pages 1 and 3

    Summer camp sessions must be at least three weeks long. Children and youth must attend the first week of the session. Those who do not attend the first week may not join the session later.

    The collective effort and sacrifice of San Francisco residents staying at home limited the spread of COVID-19. But community transmission of COVID-19 within San Francisco continues, including transmission by individuals who are infected and contagious, but have no symptoms. Infected persons are contagious 48 hours before developing symptoms (“pre-symptomatic”), and many are contagious without ever developing symptoms (“asymptomatic”). Pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic people are likely unaware that they have COVID-19.

    The availability of childcare and summer camp is an important step in the resumption of activities. However, the decision by the Health Officer to allow childcare and summer camps for all families at facilities that follow required safety rules, does not mean that attending childcare or summer camp is free of risk. Enrolling a child in childcare or summer camp could increase the risk of the child becoming infected with COVID-19. While the majority of children that become infected do well, there is still much more to learn about coronavirus in children, including from recent reports of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C).

    Each parent or guardian must determine for themselves if they are willing to take the risk of enrolling their child in summercamp, including whether they need to take additional precautions to protect the health of their child and others in the household. They should particularly consider the risks to household members who are adults 60 years or older, or anyone who has an underlying medical condition. Parents and guardians may want to discuss these risks and their concerns with their pediatrician or other health care provider.

    More information about COVID-19, MIS-C, and those at higher risk for serious illness is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at

    I understand the risks associated with enrolling my child in childcare/summer camp, and agree to assume the risks to my child and my household. I also agree to follow all safety requirements that the childcare program/summer camp imposes as a condition of enrolling my child.


    • GIRLFLY participants should stand 6 feet apart while standing in line for the check-in procedure.

    • Each participant will be greeted by a Flyaway staff person wearing a facemask, gloves, goggles.

    • Flyaway personnel conducting the screening will stand at least 6 feet away from the student and ask each participant (including Flyaway Productions staff):

      1. If anyone in their house diagnosed has recently been diagnosed with COVID-19.

      2. If the participant has developed any symptoms in the past 24 hours. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.

      3. Symptoms are:

        • Fever, Chills, or Repeated Shaking/Shivering

        • Cough

        • Sore Throat

        • Shortness of Breath

        • Difficulty Breathing

        • Feeling Unusually Weak or Fatigued

        • Loss of Taste or Smell

        • Muscle pain

        • Headache

        • Runny or congested nose

        • Diarrhea

    • Flyaway personnel will take each person’s temperature with a no-touch thermometer.

    • If the student, or staff person, does not have a fever and has not expressed any symptoms or exposure to COVID-19, they will be allowed to proceed into the main space.

    • A fever is defined as 100.0 (37.8C). Youth and staff meeting this temperature threshold will not be admitted to the facility and should instead return home and contact their healthcare providers for COVID viral testing.

      • If a COVID test is negative (no virus found), a person may only return to GIRLFLY once they have had no fever for 3 days and with a note from their physician or health care provider to Flyaway Productions.

      • You can stop home isolation when ALL of the following are true:

      • At least 10 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared

        • At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since you have had a fever (without taking fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol, Advil, or Aleve)

        • Your other symptoms (for example: cough, shortness of breath, sore throat) started to improve at least 3 days ago

        • *If you are still coughing at the end of your home isolation, please continue to wear a face covering when you are around others

    • For those who had a positive test but never had symptoms, you must wait until 10 days have gone by since their first positive COVID-19 test.


    • All persons will be required to sanitize their hands before entering the main space. Flyaway will provide hand sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol at the door and at the studio. If hands are visibly soiled, soap and water should be used before using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

    • Throughout the day, youth and staff are encouraged to wash their hands often with soap and water at least 20 seconds or with hand sanitizer, especially before eating, after going to the bathroom, or after wiping their nose, coughing, or sneezing.

    • Flyaway Productions will provide disposable gloves and masks to students and staff.

    • RECOMMENDATION: Change clothes and shoes upon arriving at home after the program in order to reduce the chance of clothing or shoes exposing anyone in the household to the virus and that such clothing should be cleaned before being used again.


    • No physical contact. Social distancing at 6 feet apart will take place at all times.

    • Stable and Separate Groups (Pods): Students will be separated into 2 groups of no more than 12 girls that do not mix.

    • Youth will be kept in the same group each day, for the entire session, unless a change is needed for a youth’s overall safety and wellness.

    • Each group will be in a separate room or space, or on ZOOM. Interactions between groups will be minimized to the greatest extent possible.

    • No shared equipment. Each student will be assigned her own equipment, which she will clean daily with sanitizer wipes (provided by Flyaway Productions).

    • Masks will be required except while eating, or for a documented medical reason. GIRLFLY will allow exceptions for health conditions or for those with difficulty breathing, and for someone who relies on the visibility of their mouth to help communicate (such as with American Sign Language).

    FOOD: Students are strongly requested to eat breakfast and invited to bring snacks for themselves. Food sharing will not be allowed.

    STAFF HEALTH: Flyaway Productions will monitor staff health. Staff will follow all safety protocols outlined above. If a staff person becomes symptomatic, they will stay home, and the GIRLFLY program will transition to online instruction.

    SAFETY REGULATION FOR VISITORS: Due to safety recommendations from the SF Dept of Public Health, the only people allowed in the studio are participants of GIRLFLY and Flyaway Productions’ teachers and staff. Parents and friends will be asked to meet the student outside of the facility.

    PAYMENT: If a participant of GIRLFLY is unable to finish the program due to a suspected or diagnosis of COVID-19, she will still be paid $500 at the close of the program. Medical documentation will be required.

    FAMILIES AND STUDENTS Agree to The Following:

    • Parents/ Guardians are asked to be on the alert for signs of illness in their children and to keep them home when they are sick. If a child is to be kept home due to illness, please contact Brechin Flournoy, Flyaway Productions GIRLFLY Coordinator at 415-617-9391.

    • How a fever is defined: If measuring at home with a regular touch thermometer (under the tongue, arm, etc.), fever is defined as 100.4 (38C). Children and staff meeting this temperature threshold should stay home and their healthcare providers should be notified.

    • GIRLFLY participants agree to:

      • Wear masks and gloves during travel to and from their home to the studio. Masks have proven to be effective barriers against transmission of COVID-19 and wearing them during travel will help to keep everyone in the GIRLFLY program healthy.

      • Participants agree to cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

      • Cover their mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.

      • Clean their hands often, either with soap and water for 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

      • Put distance between themselves and other people (at least 6 feet).

      • Clean their dance equipment with sanitizer wipes (provided by Flyaway Productions) on a daily basis.

      • Report any symptoms to Flyaway staff immediately.

    • Zoom Learning: part of the GIRLFLY program will take place online via Zoom. GIRLFLY students agree to:

      • Join the Zoom chats at the designated dates/times during program hours (please note that exact times will be determined by Flyaway Productions and may adjust day to day).

      • Deliver finished assignments on time to the designated teacher.


    • IF GIRFLY experiences an outbreak of COVID 19 and we are less than 2 weeks from the end of program, we will transition the entire program to ZOOM. Details of that schedule will follow.

    • Flyaway Productions will notify students, parents, Flyaway staff, and CounterPulse management and coordinate with local health officials to communicate dismissal decisions and the possible COVID-19 exposure.

      • In such a circumstance, we will maintain confidentiality of the student or staff member with confirmed COVID as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, and possibly HIPAA.


    I, , and the parent/ guardian of this student agree to conform to this safety plan with the understanding that if I do not, I will be asked to leave the program.


    I, , the parent/ guardian of this student acknowledge the risks of the virus and commit to adhering to the safety plan/ social distancing practices as outlined in this document.



    Visit to get screened and schedule a drive-through or walk-through test at CityTestSF